Make over – pinboard with peel and stick wallpaper


Pinboards come in all kinds of designs, but sometimes you just have very specific ideas about how the pinboard should look like.

At least that’s how I felt a while ago. It should be a pinboard made of metal, so that I could attach my drawings or fabric samples by magnet. Also, I would love it to be patterned in black and white/beige.

However, since I’m not one of the most patient people on this beautiful planet, especially when it comes to searching stores or even the internet in looking for just that one desired product, I unceremoniously took on the design myself.

To do this, I ordered a simple metal pinboard in the size 80cm (31.5in) x 60cm (23.6in) and three wallpaper test prints in the size 61cm (24in) x 30cm (11.8in) of my own patterns in my shop at Spoonflower (link leads to my shop at Spoonflower).

Materials needed:
– 1 metal pinboard (in this case 80cm (31.5in) x 60cm (23.6in)).
– 3 pieces of stick and peel wallpaper (in this case 61cm (24in) x 30cm (11.8in) each)
– 1 Washi Tape or similar (in this case approx. 1,30m (51.2in))

Wallpaper Swatches 61cm x 30cm and metal pinnboard

It is quite simple. Since the wallpaper pieces are exactly half the width of the pinboard, I used two of them side by side lengthwise.
If you have little experience with applying self-adhesive wallpaper, it may take a while until the pieces really fit. A third and fourth hand would not be bad ;-).
But since the wallpaper can also be removed and reapplied, it finally fit.

Then I used the third piece of wallpaper to cover the remaining area and embellished the edges with silver tape.

Finally, the “designer” pinboard was ready and could serve its purpose.

If you like this wallpaper patterns too; I used the following:

Hand drawn check fine lines in washed out black on creamy white – small
Small seventies flowers in washed out black on creamy white – xxs
Striped Marks in black on creamy white – xs

Please note: All wallpapers are printed on demand by Spoonflower, Inc. USA (link leads to Spoonflower About page). So it may take a little while for the shipment to arrive and there may be additional charges such as customs etc, depending where you are ordering from.

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