Cut and sew panels are handy because they can be sewn easily between the usual todos of everyday life.
In my opinion, the cushion panels are the easiest panels to quickly sew a new decorative piece or to have a last-minute gift to hand. Provided, of course, that the panel is already on your own fabric shelf. So it’s best to take advantage of the sales and build up a small stock ;- ))
I would choose woven fabric from Lillestoff for my cushion panels because it is not stretchy and the cushion therefore keeps its shape.
A few tips on how to sew the cushions quickly and easily.
Cut out the two cushion pieces at the white sewing allowance, place the pieces right sides together so that the shape fits perfectly and sew along the black dotted lines.
The seam allowances are between 1.5 cm and 2.0 cm, depending on the cushion model. If the dotted sewing lines do not show through to the back of your chosen fabric, take a quick measurement.
Sew a little next to the dotted lines so that they are no longer visible on the finished cushion.
To reverse the cushion, leave a straight section open on the bottom of the cushion.
Fill the cushion with filling fibre or filling cotton and close the opening with hidden hand stitches or topstitches along the edge.
Another tip for tight curves and corners: Cut in the seam allowances a little bit, then the seam will lay nicely in the corners and curves – but don’t cut too close to the seam, otherwise the fabric could tear out over time!
The left over fabric can be used to sew little gift bags or in combination with other fabric for jeans upcycling bags or sustainable shopping bags.
Have fun sewing and if you post your sewing projects from my designs on Instagram, I would be happy if you tag me @andreamuehlbauer. I will love share your post in my story.
And there are more cut and sew cushions from my designs at Lillestoff:
Link to the Unicorn Panel at Lillestoff
Link to the Rainbow Panel at Lillestoff
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